Blockchain & cyber security
Harnessing technology to our advantage is paramount, which is why Blockchain technology has begun to be implemented as a cyber security measure.
This is partly because it protects and maintains data, in addition to its information integrity assurance, and on the other hand it also allows us to track where threats come from.
Anti-Fraud Solutions
VeriDoc Global among its cyber security services offers a Blockchain system to prevent fraud that can affect customers.
Integrity: By implementing Blockchain as a security measure, we can ensure that data is not altered without authorisation.
Immutability: One of the biggest advantages of Blockchain is that it prevents copies of the same data from being made and keeps the original data intact even if it has been modified.
Traceability: If there is any attempt to access the data or modify it, this technology allows us to know where these modifications came from and stop them if necessary.
Smart Contracts
Using smart contracts improves the way in which work transactions can be handled, as relying on Blockchain makes them secure and fast as well as transparent, irreversible and traceable.
No Single Point of Failure
Attacks on data often prevent access to data, so ensuring that data is available to users at any time, preventing intrusion and providing strategies to access it is part of the services we offer at VeriDoc Global.
Data Quality
Multiple factors can threaten data quality from collecting, processing, sharing and storing data, however one of the most important steps in cyber security is to protect data from unauthorised use, it is important to pay the necessary attention to this as it can compromise confidentiality, integrity or availability.
Attacks on data often prevent access to data, so ensuring that data is available to users at any time, preventing intrusion and providing strategies to access it is part of the services we offer at VeriDoc Global.
Passports /
Government IDs
Confirming a person’s documents and identity is often a cumbersome procedure, so digital registration reduces identity verification time, is a tamper-proof ledger, and prevents identity fraud.
The transparency provided by the Blockchain is also applied in the transport and logistics industry. Producers use this technology to provide information on the origin, production methods, supply chain journey and environmental footprint of their products. This benefits consumers by providing them with important information they require about the products they consume.
Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Handling money can often be risky, so many care homes have been inspired by cryptocurrency to create their own cryptos, with which elderly residents and their children can pay for rooms, goods, and services in a way that protects investors and provides a trade and exchange network for the token.
Securing critical information is facilitated by Blockchain technology which enables enhanced security and minimises human failure. Banks have adopted this process to protect sensitive data, from invoices to financial spreadsheets.
Smart contracts enable transparency and security for both customers and insurers, as the data collected enters the network where it is recorded and undoes inaccurate cases.